Hey art headz, welcome back to another ridiculously cool and well- written [HA!] blog posting! This time, the art work is making it's way back from Socal, or rather, from FONTANA.
Rambo1 has been unleashing his reign of terror on the walls of the Inland Empire for years, and I am proud to have him slap some paint on one of the panels.
Riddle Time! What do you get when you cross an abstract painter with a graff writer on a piece of wood???
ETC: What is your name [alias or otherwise]?
R1: My name is Rambo, but my slave name is Joseph
ETC: Where are you from, and where do you currently live?
R1: I reign from the land of the Inland Empire and currently live in Fontana, CA.
ETC: How long have you been creating, and what is your earliest art related memory.
R1: I've been drawing since I was a kid, but I remember failing seventh grade because i would draw all day at school.
ETC: What inspires you to create your art?
R1: Mostly my friends and family. Without them, I wouldn't be an artist
ETC: Best hustle you ever pulled?
R1: Haha I wish I was a better hustler, but I'd have to say it would be getting the cops to think i was buffing graffiti when they caught me in the act... yeah, it worked
ETC: Describe your idea of the ultimate collaboration
R1: Multiple individuals working together with open minds
ETC: Favorite toy as a kid?
R1: Building blocks
ETC: Favorite toy now?
R1: My bong
ETC: If you could throw a tag up ANYWHERE in the world, where would it be, and why?
R1: On the pyramids of Egypt so you could see it from space
ETC: If you had one chance to say one sentence to the world, what would it be?
R1: "A great revolution in just one single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of society, and further, it will enable a change in the destiny of mankind" - Daisaku Ikeda
A pleasure as always, thanks for reading guys~
Hit me up if you want in on the project!!!!- travo.collabo@gmail.com [do it, yeah, do it]
"An artist cannot fail; it is a success to be one." - Charles Horton Coooley
Peace and Respect to all